Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Missionary Journeys And Strategy Of Paul Religion Essay

Missionary Journeys And Strategy Of capital of Minnesota Religion Es consecrateThe character of this essay is to differentiate appropriate examples and strategy capital of Minnesota utilise for his missioner journey that can be considered for twenty-first Century missions. The way I plan to structure my essay I will explore godliness hold ups to find come to the fore what the authors say of capital of Minnesotas missionary journeys. I will equalize the authors opinions and then I will search the record book scripture and endue reference as evidence. I will begin my essay and identify from the book of Acts the call of deity upon the Apostle capital of Minnesotas life to the mission fields.The book of Acts describe how the Apostle capital of Minnesota became a missionary (Acts 9) says capital of Minnesota had a supernatural collide with with the Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul was temporarily with out vision. A disciple named Ananias had a vision of the Lord that h e should go and pray for Paul. Ananias prayed for Paul and his sight was restored. (Acts 920) Paul was filled with the Blessed nitty-gritty and he went out to the Synagogue and preached the Gospel.The volume says in (Acts 132-3) the Apostle Paul gave himself as an example to follow Jesus christ, Paul fasted and prayed when Paul received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, he preached in different parts of the founding for Jesus Christ. (Acts 1613) says when Paul went to Philippi he had a charm meeting at the riverside. Paul prayed and miracles happened, the Holy Spirit apply him.B. Paul used the name of Jesus.The authors give reference to scholars who write their opinion of the missionary work Paul did.J. Louis Martyn, refers to Wilckens and Vielhauer who says how extensively however, did he function as a teacher of the scriptures? Specifically, did he take it as one of his tasks regularly to cristal lengthy and detailed exe pissical discourses to his congregations? His garner suggest no such thing. .Geoffrey Harris wrote first, his methods of reaching out to the Gentile world by first creating a Jewish Christian community then, identifying and training leaders for the nascent churches third, by deepening understanding of and commitment to the gospel in order to prove the churches in maturity. .Joseph Plevnik gives reference to Fitzmyer, he says what the apostle inherited from his Hellenistic and Jewish backgrounds, what he borrowed from tradition, and what he arrived at through his missionary experience, is all uniquely change by his knowledge of Christ, which he received at Damascus. .I give studied the theories of J. Louis Martyn and Geoffrey Harris, and Joseph Plevnik The following Bible scriptures say Paul was dependent on the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 213) and (1 Corinthians 2 4) (Luke 416-20) The Bible scriptures say Paul taught from scripture, he preached the gospel in the synagogues. (Acts 171) says Paul preached at a synagogues at Thessalo nica, (Acts 14 9-10) says Paul prayed for a crippled man with belief and told him to stand up the man was healed.J. Louis Martyn, who referred to Wilckens and Vielhauer goes on to say, that Paul do verbal attacks against scriptural instructions. The book of (Acts 1716) says Paul was angered when he motto Athens, because the city of Athens was given to idols.I cause studied the Bible scriptures and compared the authors opinions and I dont share the same view as, Wilckens and Vielhauer, however I puddle found Geoffrey Harris and Joseph Plevniks, opinions to be scriptural I prefer their views. Geoffrey Harris describes the strategy, Paul used to establish the churches. Joseph Plevnik says Paul received his knowledge through the experience he had with Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus.The Bible says, Paul wrote earn to performes in Rome, Ephesians Philippians and Philemon. Paul would start his letters with a greeting and he would end his letters with a farewell (Act 915) and ( Acts 111) say Paul wanted to reach the Jews and the Gentiles with the salvation center of Jesus Christ.The authors Martin Dibelius he refers to critical scholars, Joseph A. Grassi and Bernard T. Smyth describe their opinion of Pauls missionary work in feast the Gospel.Martin Dibelius, refers to critical scholars and says scholars have referred for instance to improbability of certain scenes, as for example, to the feature that Paul assumes towards the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem a yielding military position which we cannot possibly turn over he would have adopted. .Joseph A. Grassi wrote one of the great reasons wherefore Christianity spread like wildfire through the world in the first triplet centuries was precisely this that it was a proclamation of freedom addressed to a world. .Bernard T. Smyth, says to get this matter of Paul and prayer into perspective, it is useful to recall how, before the coming of Paul, the young Christian community was already very much a commu nity of prayer.I have studied the theories of Martin Dibelius and Joseph A. Grassi and Bernard T. Smyth. Martin Dibelius referred to critical scholars who said, they cannot possibly believe that Paul, adopted a yielding attitude.The book of (Acts Chapter 9) says after Paul had a supernatural encounter with the Lord Jesus on the Road to Damascus, Paul was supernaturally transformed when he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Jesus gave Paul a yielding attitude that enabled him to carry out his missionary work.Joseph A. Grassi describes his beliefs why Christianity spread throughout the world and the announcement of freedom in Christ Jesus.Bernard T. Smyth says that the earlier Church was a praying community.The book of (Acts 1423) says the early Church fasted and prayed.I have compared the views of the critical scholars and Joseph A. Grassi and Bernard T. Smyth, and I prefer the opinions of Joseph A. Grassi and Bernard T. Smyth, in distinguish to the critical scholars, they ha ve referred to Biblical scripture.Therefore the balance of the agreement is in favor with the view of Joseph A. Grassi and Bernard T. Smyth.Tom Wright, says Paul urges, the many splendouredwisdom of God must be made known to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places. .Krister Stendahl, says, Paul tells the Church, Jews and Gentiles in Rome, that his call to the mission fields is the plan of God. .I have looked at the views of, Tom Wright, he says Gods word must be made known to the principalities and powers in heavenly places and Krister Stendahl says, Pauls call to the mission fields was Gods plan. The book of (Ephesians 612) says the battle is not against flesh or blood but against principalities and powers of darkness in high places. The book of (Acts 131-3) says The Holy Spirit selected Paul for his mission work.I have studied the views of the authors and have compared them with the Bible scriptures after analysing the scriptures. I prefer the view of both the author s Tom Wright and Krister Stendahl.C. The Early Church Fasted and Prayed.The book of Acts describes the strategies Paul used for his missionary work.Paul took the message of the Gospel to the Gentiles and taught of the authority of Jesus Christ and his power. The strategy Paul used he fasted and prayed and achieved his missionary journey through prayer. The Bible says Paul would parson to groups of people in the Synagogue meeting with groups of Christians, in Church is a good way of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, today. Paul wrote letters to communicate to the Churches, at that time there was not the technology there is today, such as the Internet, a telephone Christian television, Christian radio, tapes, or CDs, and DVDs. Today there are Christian organizations, such as Christian training courses, and Bible colleges and Church buildings that can be considered appropriate examples for 21st Century missions.

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