Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Kosovo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kosovo - Essay ExampleAlbanians and Kosovar Serbs could be managed. obsolete ethnic tensions between these communities were revived with the death of Josif Tito in 1980 as well as the disintegration of Yugoslavia subsequently. Slobodan Milosevic, a nationalistic and opportunistic politician rose to the presidency of Serbia and put an end to Kosovos semi-autonomous status and anger the Albanian population in majority. This laid foundations of struggle between Kosovar Albanians and Kosovar Serbs. The former formed militias like the solution Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in order to struggle for independence whereas the latter had the support of Belgrade. The main outside(a) actor that entered the conflict was The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) after a series of failed internationalistic diplomacy with Serbia. The main cause of conflict of Kosovo was that NATO had underestimated Kosovos importance to the ethnic mythologies of the Albanians and the Serbs that had been maki ng territorial claims to the Balkans. slice the Serbs claimed leadership of Kosovo because this was desired by God, Albanians had the reason of their ancient Illyrian ancestors being from Kosovo. The first breaches of non-violence in Kosovo happened in 1995 and 1996 (Bideleux). In 1998, Kosovo erupted into a full-fledge armed conflict in part in result of the Albanian armed uprisings of resile 1997. Up to 700,000 weapons were transported to Kosovo in those uprisings which helped the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) to gain control of a third of Kosovo and unleash a guerrilla war. NATO was persuaded by the Balkans to withdraw from military intervention because if KLA succeeded, adjacent Macedonia could be destabilized. The Balkans called for respect of civil rights and yield of autonomy in Kosovo. NATOs intention behind launching air campaign against the Serbian forces was meant for the victimisation of political and humanitarian conditions. However, NATO made a mistake in not making use of raise force in support of the diplomatic efforts. The Serbs reconsidered negotiations because of the threat of increase of warplanes as well as a rise in the attacks tempo. Kosovo was a confrontation between the Serbs and the Albanians that led to a situation of negative pink of my John in spite of all efforts of NATO as well as international commitment and funding that happened post-war. With the faculty to secure one population, the international community had to encounter security dilemmas in the phase after the conflict including protection of a minority which was treated as an enemy before. As the Yugoslav army assassinate and evicted Kosovar Albanians, NATOs became successful in the air campaign and was in the position to achieve security for the Albanians. However, the arts unanticipated long-run consequences and lack of clarity about the exit strategys long-term objectives deterred a strategic solution, thus laying the foundations of a status quo political envir onment in which Kosovo remained unsettled. Although the closing war cannot be fought by the strategists, that last campaign has many lessons for them. A very important lesson to be learned from the conflict in Kosovo is for the external international actors like NATO when the international actors tend to protect a select minority group in a certain area that is already divided among ethnic, tribal, and sacred lines or communities, these actors

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